Usecase 2 Wind Turbine manufacturers

In the present scenario, Wind energy is techno-economically viable efficient alternative to fossil fuel, due to its zero emission factor and non pollutant nature, as in power generation process it does not emit greenhouse gases.
The worlds ever increasing demand for power in all its forms is growing year after year. Nuclear and Fossil fuelled Steam Turbines, Gas Turbines, Wind Turbines, Tidal Turbines, Hydro Turbines – they all have to run efficiently at maximum output to meet that demand. Maintaining these turbines and their associated plant is a big job.
More recently, however, owners, operators and developers have been looking to the cost of running the projects, and are recognising the value in preventing failure instead of running turbines until they break.
Two components of the cost of operation and maintenance (O&M) of wind turbines are vitally important and need to be minimised: those for scheduled maintenance and for unscheduled maintenance. If component failures lead to unscheduled stoppages, then the additional cost of loss of electricity sales is introduced. That is why considerable efforts are being made to control and forecast such failures.
Usecase possibilities
- Manage service workflow
- Preventive maintenance
- Effective use of field service team
- Proactive maintenance
Features from SensenService
- Add Devices and manage
- Add providers and manage
- Provide permissions
- View reports in Tabular or Graphical format
- Monitor Status
- Custom Dashboard
- Business Logics
- Analytics etc
Implementation method
- Step1: Provide the equipment model details and protocol
- Step2: Our Team will ship you or come and install the device
- Step3: Capturing data starts
- Step4: Ready for deployment
- Step5: Will add any additional feature if needed